Name branding is an essential requirement of choosing and keeping your company name. Branding is also important when considering how to package your next product, what name to give it, and how to market it.
The process of branding can be as simple as choosing between stars and stellar when labeling a product. Or it can be as complex as choosing what colors can best convey the worth and mission of your company. If you play your cards right, your company image can stick indelibly to your prospective customers minds, and you can have them coming back for more.
Branding is a huge issue in Internet marketing, since the Internet is an environment driven by visual impressions. The most beautiful websites gather the most visitors; the most educational websites, even with all their authority and worth, can go unnoticed when they are not well designed or easy to navigate. Even website text has to be methodically arranged in a customer-friendly manner. Non-serif texts are preferred over serif texts. Colors need to be matched against a background, with dark text over light backgrounds preferred, and text size needs to be easy to read.